
Rolling and stretching of gastrocnemius is essential for the proper functioning of the ankle and knee joints. If it becomes too “strong”, it can cause a number of posture defects and consequent pain. (most often it causes the inflammation of the Achilles tendon)

It belongs to the *back muscle chain, so it is worth dealing with all the muscles of the chain, rolling, stretching.

Roll both sides of the gastrocnemius, stretch it.

The presented image and video material can be done for everyone, but in case of any injury, a consultation/survey is recommended for individualized training.

* Plantar fascia – gastrocnemius – hamstrings – erector spinae

SMR roller exercise

Gyakorlat bemutatása videóban

Starting position

Finishing position


Streching, mobilization

Exercise 1

Exercise 1

Pulling the ankle up, with extended knees

From another side

Exercise 2

Exercise 2

Pushing heel down