Piriformis, gluteus medius

The most common symptom of piriformis becoming “strong” is sagittarius pain, at the waist, towards the feet. Many people confuse it with the symptoms of lumbar spinal hernia. Due to the strength of this muscle, it begins to push the sciatic nerve, which is the cause of the sagittarius pain. It is essential to roll and stretch, and to develop the muscles of the trunk, tail.

Roll both sides of the piriformis, stretch it.

Rolling and stretching of the gluteus medius muscle is essential for the proper functioning of the hip joint.

It belongs to the *lateral muscle chain, so it is worth dealing with all the muscles of the chain, rolling, stretching.

Roll the gluteus medius muscles on both sides, stretch.

The presented image and video material can be done for everyone, but in case of any injury, a consultation/survey is recommended for individualized training.

* Peroneus – iliotibial band – gluteus maximus/medius – external, internal abdominis – external, internal intercostal m. – sternocleidomastoid

SMR roller exercise

Gluteus medius, maximus

Gluteus medius, maximus

Easier exercise

Starting position

Turning to any side

Practice, video

Harder exercise

Starting position

Turning to any side

Outward reverse side, opposite side leg up to the knee

Practice, video

SMR roller exercise



Starting position

Foot put on opposite side knee

Raised foot, turns sideways

Practice, video

Streching, mobilization

Exercise 1 - Easier

Exercise 1 - Easier

Practice, video

Starting position

Knee down, dorsal straight

Hip, knee position

Knee down, dorsal go forward

Exercise 1 - Harder

Exercise 1 - Harder

Practice, video

Starting position

knee bends 45 degrees

knee bends 90 degrees

Dorsal go forward

Exercise 2

Exercise 2

Practice, video

Starting position

Pull up knee rotate

Push with the arm

Opposite arm stretch next to the ear

Exercise 3

Exercise 3

Practice, video

Starting position

Starting position (from the side)

Exercise 4

Exercise 4

Practice, video

Starting position

Arms on the knee

Knee pull towards myself